Nail Surgery
A procedure offering a more permanent solution to the symptoms of ingrowing toenails. See below for more information.
What is a nail surgery?
Nail surgery is a minor operation which involves removing the whole or part of a nail. It is a common procedure typically used to treat ingrown toenails, which occur when a piece of nail grows into the surrounding tissue causing tenderness, pain or infection. By removing the nail (or section of the nail) and applying a chemical to the nail bed to reduce the risk of regrowth, nail surgery offers a more long-term solution for managing the symptoms of ingrown toenails.
Nail surgery starts at £350
This price includes one follow-up appointment to check the progress of healing, as well a supply of dressings and a complimentary waterproof boot for showering. For more information on nail surgery, please contact the clinic.
Nail surgery FAQs
The procedure is normally performed under local anaesthetic, before the nail (or section of the nail) is removed. Once the nail is removed, a chemical called phenol is applied to the nail bed to destroy it, helping to prevent regrowth of the nail.
A high percentage of patients find that their symptoms are greatly improved once they have healed from the procedure, and recurrence of problems is low. As with all procedures, results can vary from person to person. The healing time for nail surgery can take up to 10 weeks, and you will be advised at the time of your appointment of the best way to care for your toe after the procedure.
Before a nail surgery can be arranged, you will need to book an initial consultation appointment. This is to allow the podiatrist to perform an assessment and to ensure that nail surgery is an appropriate treatment option for you. If this will be your first visit to the clinic, you will also need to complete a patient form before attending.